The rise of micro-influencer marketing: how small influencers can make a big impact

Der Aufstieg des Micro-Influencer-Marketings: Wie kleine Influencer große Wirkung erzielen können

The rise of micro-influencer marketing: small influencers, big impact

In recent years, influencer marketing has become one of the most important tools for brands to promote their products and messages to a wide audience. But while big influencers with millions of followers are often in the spotlight, a new group of influencers has carved out a place for itself in the digital marketing ecosystem: micro-influencers.

Micro-influencers are people who usually have between 1,000 and 100,000 followers on their social media channels. Compared to mega-influencers, their follower numbers may seem small, but their impact on their target audiences is often surprisingly powerful. Here are some reasons why the rise of micro-influencer marketing is so remarkable:

1. authenticity and credibilityMicro-influencers are often known for their authenticity and personal connection to their followers. As they are usually active in niche markets or specific areas of interest, they often convey a genuine passion for the products or topics they talk about. Their recommendations are therefore often perceived as more credible than those of large influencers who may promote any brand.

2. engagement and interactionMicro-influencers often have a higher engagement rate than large influencers. As they usually have a closer relationship with their followers, they are more likely to respond to their posts, leave comments and interact with them. This high interaction rate can help brand messages to be better perceived and spread further.

3. cost efficiencyCompared to large influencers, micro-influencers are often more cost-effective for brands. As they have fewer followers, they usually charge lower fees for sponsored posts or partnerships. This makes micro-influencer marketing an attractive option for smaller brands or companies with limited marketing budgets.

Der Aufstieg des Micro-Influencer-Marketings: Wie kleine Influencer große Wirkung erzielen können

4. targeted reachMicro-influencers are often experts in their field and have a very specific target group. When a brand works with a micro-influencer, they can be sure that their message is reaching exactly the right target group. This allows brands to target their marketing messages and maximize the effectiveness of their campaigns.

5. diversity and authenticityBy working with a variety of micro-influencers, brands can develop a diverse and authentic marketing strategy. Rather than focusing on a handful of large influencers, they can work with a wide range of voices and perspectives to appeal to a wider variety of audiences.

Der Aufstieg des Micro-Influencer-Marketings: Wie kleine Influencer große Wirkung erzielen können


Overall, micro-influencer marketing offers a number of benefits for brands, including authenticity, engagement, cost savings and targeted reach. By working with micro-influencers, brands can deliver their marketing messages in a credible and effective way while building a close relationship with their target audience. It is therefore no wonder that the rise of micro-influencer marketing is unstoppable and has established itself as one of the most successful strategies in digital marketing.

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